San Francisco with the FujifilmX100VI

The FujifilmX100VI is quickly becoming my go-to camera for trips now. I was not sure about it at first, and it took almost a year for me to get the hang of it, but taking it to San Francisco completely changed my mind. I was able to come up with a film simulation that I truly love. It looks fantastic in mid day light, but also for any kind of street photography. San Francisco itself has such a nostalgic look and with this camera I was able to really capture that feeling I had when I was visiting. I don’t think this camera is obviously great for everything. I realized that when shooting from high up, on cliffs/from balconies, my 24-70 zoom lens on my DSLR is the only option. Hence why I did not totally love my Catalina Island photos taken with my Fujifilm. But for everyday walking around in cities, it is truly fantastic.


Clowning Around at Circus Circus